New American Town Crier (NATC.News) is THEE alternative to data hackers and personal information brokers like Facebook, Google, and Twitter and mainstream narrative, fictionaries like CNN, ABC, Fox News, and many more.
NATC News will not limit the news or circulate repetitious content to drive the common place narratives that are blights on common sense, core values, real news, journalism and ethical information sharing. It is a place for We The People to post newsworthy content that is relevant to our lifestyles, localities, political elections, community events and news on the world stage. This is journalism created By The People For The People.

Over the past 2 years, we’ve seen far more so-called professional journalists and professional news companies push false narratives that do not support the people’s views. As well as, being the long arms of the political power brokers from Washington D.C. all the way down to the local level. We The People are NATC News and we are the human bridge supporting a platform that gives people a voice, that promotes freedom with transparency, while speaking truth to action. We are facilitating positive change that will be the antithesis of the sycophants that are driving us further from the media and further from trusting each other. help people and our communities grow and prosper for the future of America and the world.
It is time to end the victimization of common sense oriented citizens, critical thinkers and towns people of our country. Join us, take part, take action and help us build the roadway to end the fake news of today and replace it with the influencers, thought leaders, critical thinkers and public servants of tomorrow. By The People For The People that have the character, integrity, tenacity and backbone to stand up and add value to all of our lives.
Mission & Values

Our system of values are integrated with our core values. This platform is for the masses to network, to create, to advertise, to promote community organizations, public services and causes. While evaluating these values we hope that being neighborly, supportive and unified is the bi-product of like and unlike minded perspectives. That space exists as a proving ground by and only through robust debates and often opposing ideals is where sound logic and solutions are propagated, rather than compromise. Compromise is an over-used word that is better suited for corrupt elitists and those who undermine our values, sell the people short of our ideals and would make us criminal for defending that with which we are granted at birth, our unalienable rights and liberty.
Our mission is to provide a free and open digital space for the truth seekers, truth sayers, influencers and advertisers to publish their content with the confidence of it being housed and stored in a safe place, for the common good. Meaningful content that is situationally relevant, that is derived and created to help inform people to foster human growth, economic prosperity and to broaden the pathways of information and communication. We must rekindle the art of the conversation or suffer more degradation of our humanity.